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Wish Care Bear

Do you have a wish?

Then Wish Care Bear is the bear you should wish for. She knows that sometimes wishes come true, and that even when they don't, making wishes can be a lot of fun. She shows this with her tummy symbol - a smiling wishing star.

Caring Mission: Helps wishes come true.

Symbol: Wish Bear's shooting star with a rainbow tail reminds us to believe in our dreams.

Personality: Quiet and shy.

Character Quirk: Can sometimes "magically" make the wishes come true but not always, and sometimes the wishes come true in funny ways.

Color: Aqua.

Best Friend: Cheer Bear

Relationship Challenge: Sometimes Good Luck Bear teases her into arguments about who is luckier.

Motto: Your wish is my wish!

My Wish Care Bear Collection


Anonymous said…
I love the Care Bears!!
They Rock!!