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Share Care Bear

Nobody knows how to share like Share Bear. She is a friendly bear who knows how much fun it is to give some of her good things to others. She thinks that sharing is such a treat, that she shows it with her symbol - two heart-shaped lollipops!

Caring Mission: Shows people how to share.

Symbol: The hearts on her two, crossed lollipops symbol shows that the root of sharing is caring.

Personality: Generous and sharing.

Character Quirk: She collects little things to give away, but gets distracted by the strangest things at the worst times.

Color: Lavender.

Best Friend: Tenderheart Bear

Relationship Challenge: Funshine Bear - he's always playing jokes on her.

Motto: Do your share of sharing!

Why was the new Share Bear's tummy symbol changed?

When American Greetings artists and writers began working on the new Care Bears they reviewed each bear to consider any changes that might help make it more appropriate for this day and age. They felt that the twin lollipops better illustrate the concept of sharing to small children. Also, because people today tend to be more sensitive about health concerns, it was felt that the two lollipops set a better example for sharing than the sundae with two straws symbol.

My Share Care Bear Collection
